Thanksgiving is a joyous time for families and friends to gather together, give thanks, and eat their way through an entire day. Overeating, lounging, and napping are expected!
The Thanksgiving holiday traditionally features a festive table filled with laughter, love, stories, and people going back for seconds. Marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes with cream cheese and gravy, buttery sausage stuffing, and the all too famous green bean casserole with French fried onions. And we can't forget the infamous pumpkin pie! Traditional meals tend to be sugar laden, gluten-loaded, dairy disasters. Yet some people who struggle with food intolerances or allergies may find the holiday meal stressful. Aside from the turkey and raw vegetables, menu options are limited. Whether you are hosting your Thanksgiving gathering or providing a dish to share, the following tips offer simple, lighter, easy modifications and some new ideas. Your guests may enjoy your new recipe beginning some new family traditions!
What is Metabolism?
This word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days. You know that if yours is too slow you might gain weight. But what exactly does this all mean? Well technically “metabolism” is the word to describe all of the biochemical reactions in your body. It's how you take in nutrients and oxygen and use them to fuel everything you do. Do you sometimes wander the supermarket aisles wondering what's healthy and what's not?
It seems every day there is some new product claiming to be the latest health product or superfood. One thing that continues to be on shopper's minds are the issues with pesticides in fruits and vegetables. In a 2015 Consumer Reports survey of 1,050 people found that pesticides are a concern for 85 percent of Americans. Many experts and consumers believe that organic is always the best choice for your health, the environment, and the farmer's who grow our food and who are exposed to the toxic pesticides. There are definite risks depending on the type of produce and where it is grown. Yes, we're talking testosterone. That muscle-building hormone.
But I'm not going to recommend that you take any anabolic steroid hormones or anything like that. I am going to give you some solid tips on how you can boost your testosterone levels naturally. What is Testosterone? The principle male hormone in men is testosterone. The hormone is typically found in the testicles of males, yet women also have a small amount of testosterone in their ovaries. Testosterone signifies many physical aspects of masculinity and helps to maintain sex drive, muscle strength and bone density, reproductive ability, facial and body hair. Yet some of the primary health importance of higher levels of testosterone are closely associated with lower risks of heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. The protein powder aisle – whether in-store or the virtual ‘aisle’ online – can be overwhelming. With the incredible deluge of options available, it’s easy to get confused and frustrated. Every brand promises different things, and it can be hard to separate fact from fiction.
What is the right protein powder for me? This is a question I am asked a lot, especially this time of year as people focus on their wellness efforts. Protein is an essential need to assist in the growth and repair of our muscles. People who are limiting their amount of animal protein either for health concerns, digestive issues or personal choice may have trouble achieving their recommended amounts. Adding protein to a meal in proper proportions can increase the sense of being satisfied after a meal and may also lead to weight loss. With a little pre-planning and research (below), you can have healthy, tasty meal and snack options without all of the junk that is contained in processed, packaged foods. These are foods that your body can’t and doesn’t know how to digest causing a metabolic nightmare. But how do you choose the best protein powder when there are so many options out there? Benefits of Cacao – a Super Food
Everyone loves the sweet taste of chocolate - but what if you could satisfy your cravings and reap the health benefits too? Let me introduce you to the superfood Cacao - (pronounced kə-ˈkā-ō). Cacao is the tree from which cocoa is processed. As a superfood, raw cacao powder provides more than 300 phytochemicals, nearly 20 times more antioxidants than blueberries, and nearly four times the antioxidant power of dark chocolate. Raw cacao also contains calcium, protein, magnesium, essential fatty acids, carotene, thiamin and riboflavin. Many people think that cacao and cocoa powder are the same and use them interchangeably in their recipes. They are not. Cocoa powder has been chemically processed which destroys the health properties of the cacao powder described above. Read your labels. As with your vegetables, non-organic cocoa has been treated with toxic pesticides and chemicals and may contain genetically modified (GMO) products. In contrast, raw organic fairly traded cacao, has multiple benefits, if used in moderation. Add it to your favorite smoothies and recipes. You will love this highly satisfying Chocolate (Cacao) Banana Smoothie. It takes less than 5 minutes to make and is great for those on the go! I am often asked what diet I recommend. Those that know and work with me understand that I don’t advocate that any diet is “better.”
I believe a core piece of wellness is nutrition that includes whole foods with a sustainable plan that works for life – not a short-term diet fix. Everyone is bio-individual in regards to body chemistry, physical activity, places and climate people live, emotional patterns, cell experiences, past, physical illnesses and so much more. I support individual wellness plans focused on a person’s individual nutritional, physical and spiritual needs. We are all unique as snowflakes – so your health plan needs to be designed unique for your body too. Zoodles are spaghetti-like noodles made from raw zucchini and a fast, delicious way to fit more vegetables and fun into your diet. No matter your dietary needs or preferences, Zoodles promote gluten free, paleo, primal, vegan, vegetarian, low carb & wheat belly friendly lifestyles. They are low calorie, low carb, gluten free and grain free. Weight loss advice is so common (and contentious) now. There are competing opinions and false promises everywhere.
I say, forget about "who's right" and let's focus on "what's right." Because what gets results is what I'm focusing on in this post. There are way too many weight loss myths out there that it makes it difficult to know how to navigate. I’m going to tackle the top ones I come across in my practice. Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.”
And while this may not be 100% true for every disease in every person, more and more research shows that our gut (digestive system) has a bigger role in many diseases than we used to think. We're not just talking about heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD, etc. We're talking about a wide range of chronic diseases and issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular, mood disorders (anxiety, depression), obesity, hormonal and autoimmune issues. There are a lot of reasons for this. Our gut is the portal to the outside world. It's here where we take in disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites. We also take in nutrients (and toxins) through our gut. The nutrients we ingest and absorb are the building blocks of every single part of our body. We're just learning the connections between our gut and other areas of our body, like our brain (have you heard of "the gut-brain axis"). Not just our gut per se; but, its friendly resident microbes too. These guys also have newly discovered roles in our gut health and overall health. In fact, researchers now believe that healing the intestinal lining and restoring gut health are key to optimal health. So, let's talk about the roles that our gut and gut microbes play in our overall health. Then I'll give you tips to improve your gut health naturally. Coffee is healthy. Coffee is not healthy. Drink it. Avoid it.
Why all the confusion? If you want to know whether you should drink coffee or avoid it, today’s post is for you. Coffee affects different people differently. It has some health benefits, but there are people who should avoid it. Is this you? What should you consider before your next cuppa joe? Not to mention, what’s my recommended recipe (and does it contain coffee, decaf, or tea?). Oh, the suspense! Do you love your breakfast? Do you have a short list of “go-to” recipes? Do you need a bit of inspiration to start eating breakfast again? Getting some protein at each meal can help with blood sugar management, metabolism and weight loss. This is because protein helps you feel fuller longer and uses up a bunch of calories to absorb and metabolize it. So I'm going to show you how to get the protein, as well as some veggies and healthy fats for your soon-to-be favorite new “go-to” breakfasts. You knew there was a bit of an over-emphasis (borderlining obsession) about cholesterol, right?
Before we jump into some myths let's make sure we're on the same page when it comes to what exactly cholesterol is. The food we eat is a birthplace of social gatherings, family outings and the hub of many conversations. For others, it can be a source of pain.
Research and information studied shows repeatedly that our bodies can handle an occasional indulgence of most any food if we lead a predominantly healthy lifestyle, and if our bodies do not react with some type of sensitivity or allergic reaction. However, a big topic of controversy and confusion tends to be the subject of protein. How much does our body need each day, and is animal protein okay for us? Everything You Think You Know About Healthy Eating is Wrong and it's Making You Fat and Tired5/31/2017 Oh my gosh – nutrition and diet info is everywhere!
And each expert and association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right? Well, maybe… Everyone has heard (and maybe lived through) the intense focus on how much you eat. This has gotten way too much attention because while this does affect your weight and energy level, it's certainly not the “holy grail” of health. Let's focus a bit more on the often overlooked (and proven) benefits of what you eat and drink and how you eat and drink it. |
November 2022